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Writer's pictureAja Moon

SuperHero SportsGuy

So let’s back track a bit.

Daniel started sports recently.  Listen…

If there’s one thing I know how to do, its be an athlete.  He has all the crap, ok?? The compression pants, the Addidas slides, the shorts, the shirts, the Under Armor Hoodie and sweats to match, the gym bag, the snacks…everydamnting. It is all worth it though, because he is so stinking cute in it.

He started out with basketball once a week and floor hockey once a week, but when soccer got started, it kind of trumped everything else.  He goes to soccer three times a week now, and I think he loves it.  If the kid can stay off the ground and on his feet longer, he might actually be good at it.

What I didn’t realize is how much of a bond it builds between us and how much of a sacrifice it is for me, as a parent.  I love sports, always have.  I’ve played just about every sport.  But now this gives us something else to discuss and it gives our relationship another branch.

Sitting there at that practice, yelling and screaming at my kid, I never wanted to be that parent.  I’m all yelling “Defense!” and “Go Daniel Baby!” sounding all proud and what not.  There’s literally no place I’d rather be than right there at that field with that kid.

As a kid, I didn’t realize how much of a sacrifice me playing sports posed on my parents.  They just showed up, supported me and bought me all the things I needed to be successful.  I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running around all the time.  Making sure he has the right socks on, worrying if he’s cold, or if he’s sweating too much and his pores are open and if he’s gonna be sick; making sure he’s had a little something to eat before practice but not enough that he will puke from all the running; and most of all that he is enjoying himself and that these activities are building foundations for him.

I know, I sound all manic maniac for nothing.  I know that these worries and concerns are far fetched for some people and less of a concern for others.  But for me, I have to remember that I am still very much a first time mom.  I used to think it would end after he started walking, or was out of diapers, or done with the bottle, but I was wrong.  There are so many firsts that Daniel and I will encounter.  It will never end.  So many things to learn, so much to learn from each other.  So many roads to cross, mistakes to make, sports to play, good experiences, learning experiences. The possibilities are endless.

I am so proud of Daniel and how he is living his life.  I embrace each and every milestone and stepping stone that we are faced with.  I am lucky to be called “Mommy” by such an extraordinary little munchkin.

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